137 research outputs found

    Does swimming styles specialization influence the hamstring muscle extensibility?

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    El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si el estilo de natación en el que están especializados los nadadores, influye sobre la extensibilidad isquiosural de los deportistas que han participado en esta investigación. El test empleado para este trabajo es el test “sit and reach”. Se ha medido la extensibilidad isquiosural de todos los nadadores (N=36) de ambos sexos, que entrenan en un centro de tecnificación acuático español. La edad de los participantes del estudio oscila entre los 13 y los 17 años. Esta población de nadadores ha sido dividida en cuatro grupos diferentes, dependiendo del estilo de natación en el que están especializados (crol, espalda, braza y mariposa). Para conocer la influencia del estilo natación sobre los resultados obtenidos en el test “sit and reach”, se ha aplicado un test inicial y nueve meses más tarde un test final, lo que ha permitido conocer también la evolución de las mediciones Como conclusión, la extensibilidad isquiosural y su evolución, no está condicionada por el estilo de natación en el que están especializados los nadadores que han participado en este estudioThe aim of this research is to verify the swimming style in which swimmers are specialized, have has influences hamstring extensibility athletes who have had participated in this research. The employed test for this work was the “sits and reach" test. It was measured hamstring extensibility of all swimmers (N = 36) of both sexes, who train in Spanish aquatic center modernization. The age of the study participants is between 13 and 17 years. This population of swimmers has been divided into four different groups, depending on the style of swimming in which they are specialized (crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly). To determine the influence of swimming style on the results obtained in the test "sit and reach", it having had applied an initial test before, and a final test nine months later, which have had permitted also know the measurements evolution. In conclusion, the hamstring muscle extensibility and its evolution have had being not conditioned by swimming style of the swimmer

    Health aspects of physical education in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

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    Casi el 50% del alumnado tiene alguna enfermedad crónica. El desarrollo corporal es normal, la adaptación cardiovascular no es mala pero mejorable. La actividad física resulta insuficiente, la valoración de la condición física es inadecuada. Las instalaciones deportivas escolares en los centros públicos son claramente deficientes desde el punto de vista de la salud. Por último, en ninguno de los centros, el profesorado había recogido estos datos antes de la elaboración de esta investigación, salvo adaptaciones curriculares concretas pedidas por el alumnado. Es necesario buscar nuevas metodologías que estén ajustadas a criterios de salud y coordinadas con los servicios de saludThe results of this study, note that almost 50 % of students claim to have a chronic disease, vision problems are the most predominant. On the other hand, we can see that the physical development is suited to the average population; cardiovascular adaptation of students is not bad but should be better. In addition, school physical activity is insufficient, the assessment of the physical condition is inadequate and in public schools, school sports facilities are clearly deficient from the point of view of health. Finally, it is noted that none of the schools, the teachers had collected this data before making this research, except specific curricular adaptations requested by the student. It is necessary that teachers look for new work methods that comply with health criteria and that are coordinated with health service

    Validació d’un test de natació, avaluant la velocitat aeròbica màxima (VAM) per tal de calcular els ritmes d’entrenament per a triatletes i nedadors

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    L’objectiu del present estudi és validar un test de natació avaluant la Velocitat Aeròbica Màxima (VAM) per a prescriure ritmes d’entrenament. Set triatletes i nedadors van nedar 400 m a la màxima intensitat possible, després van realitzar una prova triangular per avaluar la VAM. Una setmana més tard, es va mesurar el temps i la distància límit a VAM, així com el llindar làctic individual mitjançant un test progressiu composat per sis repeticions de 200 m a diferents velocitats. Una setmana després, els dos primers tests van ser repetits (retest). Tenint en compte que la mostra utilitzada per a desenvolupar el present estudi és molt petita i que l’índex de repetibilitat de la prova de VAM s’allunya un 3 % de l’interval de confiança, cal dir que existeixen diferents indicis com ara la duració del temps límit, la menor velocitat i el major VO2màx respecte a la prova de 400 m, que ens porten a pensar de que aquesta eina pot arribar a ser vàlida agafant una mostra d’estudi mol més gran

    Longitudinal study of functional flexibility in olfer physically active

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    Un importante componente de la condición física es la flexibilidad, particularmente para las personas mayores que suelen sufrir un deterioro de la misma con los años. Con el objetivo de conocer como la flexibilidad evoluciona a lo largo del tiempo en un grupo de personas mayores físicamente activas, este estudio longitudinal ha evaluado 54 sujetos mayores de 65 años (17 hombres y 37 mujeres), que participaban con regularidad en clases de mantenimiento físico global realizadas dos veces a la semana en sesiones de 60 minutos. Para la medición de la flexibilidad fueron aplicados los tests chair sit and reach y back scratch, en cuatro momentos distintos en un periodo total de 12 meses. Los resultados muestran la evolución positiva de la flexibilidad de las zonas testadas en el grupo de mayores practicantes de actividad física al final de un año. Se concluye que para los participantes previamente activos del estudio la flexibilidad fue mantenida con el tiempo e inclusive mejorada en el periodo total propuesto al conservarse un estilo de vida activo a través de la práctica regular de actividad física de mantenimiento global de la condición físicaFlexibility is an important component of physical fitness, particularly in elderly people whose flexibility tend to deteriorate with the passing of time. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to determine how flexibility of older adults’ change over time. The control group consisted of 54 physically active adults (17 men and 37 women) all of which were 65 years and older. These adults participated in a 60 minute global fitness course, led by a trained instructor, twice a week. During the 12 month study, the subjects’ flexibility was measured at four different times through chair sit and reach and back scratch tests. The results show that the subjects who took part in this yearlong study, experienced positive results in flexibility in the areas tested. The results concluded that the subjects in the study that were previously engaged in regularly physical activity maintained and in some cases, improved flexibility through regular global fitness activit

    Evolution of the competence in water of the aquatic lifeguards.

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    In 2006, the current regulation on lifesaving training in the autonomous region of Madrid (Spain) came into force. The aim of this study was to gain knowledge on the effect of the application of this regulation on the percentage of candidates who obtain a lifeguard certificate and on their water competence level. To this purpose, the time records achieved by 6,105 lifeguard candidates (4,288 men and 1,817 women) who received this training between 1993 and 2016 were analysed. The results showed that the percentage of candidates who have obtained a lifeguard certificate since the regulation came into force has increased, while their water competence level has decreased. Therefore, it is recommended that competent bodies establish aims and evaluati on criteria that contribute to increasing the water competence level of these professionals.En el año 2006 entró en vigor la normativa que actualmente regula la formación de socorristas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (España). El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la influencia de la aplicación de esta normativa sobre el porcentaje de aspirantes que obtiene el diploma de socorrista acuático y sobre su nivel de competencia en el agua. Para ello, se han analizado las marcas de tiempo acreditadas por 6.105 aspirantes a socorrista (4.288 hombres y 1.817 mujeres) que se formaron entre el año 1993 y 2016. Los resultados demuestran que, desde la entrada en vigor de dicha normativa, se ha incrementado el porcentaje de aspirantes que obtiene el diploma de socorrista acuático, pero se ha disminuido su nivel de competencia en el agua. Se recomienda que las instituciones competentes establezcan objetivos y criterios de evaluación que promuevan la mejora del nivel de competencia en el agua de estos profesionale

    Duration of heat treatment and true digestibility of amino acids in meat meal for Leghorn cockerels

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    Knowledge of the true digestibility of amino acids in the ingredients of a poultry ration is important in order to use them properly, especially the proteinic ingredients that have been heated during processing, such as meat meal. Protein solubility is a good indicator of heat damage. To estimate true digestibility, Leghorn White cockerels were fasted for 24 h and then force fed with meat meal autoclaved at 121°C and 1.5 kg/cm2 for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. A correction for endogenous amino acids was included. Nitrogen was determined by micro Kjeldahl; protein solubility by the methods of 2% KOH and coomassie blue; amino acids concentrations were also determined by HPLC. Treatments had an effect (P<.05) on meat meal protein solubility, means being 89% and 84% for the KOH and coomassie blue methods, respectively. However, protein solubility increased until 30 minutes and then decreased according to the KOH method, whereas it increased until 15 minutes (P<.05) and then remained constant by the coomassie blue method. Autoclaving had an effect on true digestibility of all amino acids, except methionine. There was a high and significant correlation (0.81) between protein solubility by the KOH method and true digestibility of amino acids

    Anthropometry and strength, its influence on the sit and reach test

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    Analyzes the influence of kinanthropometric and dynamometric variables on the Sit and Reach test in amateur athletes. We used twenty anthropometric variables, four dynamometry tests, the Sit and Reach test and the amount of physical activity practiced. Significant differences were found between men and women in terms of flexibility levels. The prediction equations were differed according to gender (30.6% men and 32.5% women), height being an influential factor in women. The general prediction equation calculated, the level is 39.1% (moderate). Men and women show significant differences in all anthropometric variables except subscapular and suprailiac skinfolds. What other factors influence the kind of results that can be expected? The results of the flexibility test are not influenced by the anthropometric and dynamometric variables, or by the type of physical activity performed. The strength index does not correlate with the Sit and Reach test value.Se analiza la influencia que tienen las variables cineantropométricas y dinamométricas sobre el test Sit and Reach en deportistas amateur. Se tomaron veinte variables antropométricas, cuatro pruebas de dinamometría, el test Sit and Reach y la actividad física realizada. Encontramos diferencias significativas en los valores de flexibilidad entre hombres y mujeres. Las ecuaciones de predicción fueron diferentes en hombres y en mujeres (30.6% y 32.5%), en las mujeres apareció la talla como factor influyente. La ecuación general de predicción calculada se obtiene un 39,1% (moderada). Hombres y mujeres se diferencian significativamente en todas las variables antropométricas excepto en pliegue subescapular y suprailiaco. ¿Qué otros factores influirían sobre una posible predicción del resultado? Los valores de flexibilidad no se consideran influenciados por las variables antropométricas, dinamométricas y la tipología de actividad física realizada. El índice de fuerza no correlaciona con el valor del test Sit and Reac

    Gradual transformation of Ag2S to Au2S nanoparticles by sequential cation exchange reactions: binary, ternary, and hybrid compositions

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    Cation exchange reactions have been exploited in the last years as an efficient tool for the controlled chemical modi-fication of pre-made nanocrystals. In this work, the gradual transformation of Ag2S nanocrystals into Au2S analogues is performed by sequential cation exchange reactions that allow for a fine control of the chemical composition, delivering also two intermediate ternary sulfides based exclusively on noble metals. The role of two different surfactants in the reaction medium has been studied: while dodecylamine is favoring the heterogeneous nucleation of metallic Au on the surface of the semiconductor domains in detri-ment of the cation exchange reaction, the use of tetraoctylammonium bromide turns out to be crucial for the enhancement of the exchange in order to reach full cation substitution, if desired. The presence of Br- anions in the reaction medium represents an additional tool to modulate the morphology of the final nanocrystals, being either solid or hollow depending on their concentration. The synthetic protocol has been successfully conducted in both spherical and rod-like nanocrystals with identical results, leading to a wide variety of binary, ternary and/or hybrid nanostructures that have been carefully characterized

    Modulation of gilthead sea bream gut microbiota by a bioactive egg white hydrolysate: Interactions between bacteria and host lipid metabolism

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    This study aimed to highlight the relationship between diet, animal performance and mucosal adherent gut microbiota (anterior intestine) in fish fed plant-based diets supplemented with an egg white hydrolysate (EWH) with antioxidant and antiobesogenic activity in obese rats. The feeding trial with juveniles of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) lasted 8 weeks. Fish were fed near to visual satiety with a fish meal (FM)/fish oil (FO) based diet (CTRL) or a plant-based diet with/without EWH supplementation. Specific growth rate decreased gradually from 2.16% in CTRL fish to 1.88% in EWH fish due to a reduced feed intake, and a slight impairment of feed conversion ratio. Plant-based diets feeding triggered a hyperplasic inflammation of the anterior intestine regardless of EWH supplementation.This work was supported by the EU H2020 Research Innovation Program under the TNA Program (project AE150009) at IATS-CSIC Research Infrastructure within AQUAEXCEL2020 Project (652831). This output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. Additional funding was obtained by a Spanish MICINN project (Bream-AquaINTECH and RTI2018–094128-B-I00). MCP was funded by a Ramón y Cajal Postdoctoral Research Fellowship [RYC2018-024049-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 cofunded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and ACOND/2020 Generalitat Valenciana].Peer reviewe